AttributeStudio Unconventional

AttributeStudio Unconventional from Geomodeling is a comprehensive suite of advanced tools for reservoir characterization of unconventional, fractured shale and carbonate plays. AttributeStudio Unconventional enables you to correlate seismic, microseismic, well log, and engineering data from hydraulic fractures into an integrated  interpretation of fractured formations. MICROSEISMIC DATA INTERPRETATION Using AttributeStudio Unconventional,...

Geomodeling to Showcase Advanced Quantitative and Unconventional Intrepretation at GeoConvention 2012 in Calgary

New releases of AttributeStudio, SBED, and ReservoirStudio will be demonstrated CALGARY, Alberta -- Geomodeling Technology Corp., a leading provider of innovative software for the upstream oil and gas industry, will be demonstrating new releases of AttributeStudio, SBED, and ReservoirStudio focused on quantative and unconventional interpreation at the CSPG/CSEG/CWLS GeoConvention 2012...

Geomodeling Releases AttributeStudio™ 7.2

Advanced Features for Quantitative and Unconventional Seismic Interpretation CALGARY, Alberta--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Geomodeling Technology Corp., a leading provider of seismic analysis and cross-scale modeling software for the upstream oil and gas industry, today announced release of AttributeStudio™ 7.2, its state-of-the-art seismic attribute interpretation software. AttributeStudio 7.2 includes neural network analysis for advanced...

Estimation of Reservoir Heterogeneity from the Depositional Environment in Reservoir Characterization of a CHOPS Field

The major challenge in reservoir characterization is to estimate the effective porosity and the permeability of the reservoir due to reservoir heterogeneity. Often the vertical and the horizontal permeability are not considered separately in 3D geo-cellular models and in the reservoir simulations. Conventional reservoir modeling extrapolates all of the small-scale data to full-field scale...

SBED Biogenic Structure Modeling

SBED™ Biogenic Structure Modeling accurately simulates the activities of burrowing organisms on reservoir facies at the lamina scale and estimates their effects on petrophysical properties using flow-based upscaling.  Bioturbation within a substrate can add to sedimentary heterogeneity and alter horizontal and vertical permeability. Understanding the subtle changes in permeability that...

Geomodeling Releases SBED™ 4.2 and SBED™ 4.2 for Petrel*

Reservoir Modeling Software Accurately Simulates Biogenic Effects CALGARY, Alberta--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Geomodeling Technology Corp., a leading provider of innovative software for the upstream oil and gas industry, today announced the release of SBED™ 4.2 and SBED™ 4.2 for Petrel* lamina-scale reservoir modeling applications.  SBED 4.2 adds advanced features to accurately model biogenic...

Interactive Seismic Attribute Analysis for Reservoir Characterization

Being “interactive” is not only important for traditional seismic interpretation, which maps subsurface structural and stratigraphic features; it should also be an essential feature in the seismic attribute analysis for reservoir characterization and prediction. In this paper we present interactive workflows that integrate major steps in seismic attribute analysis, namely...

Geomodeling Releases AttributeStudio™ 7.1

Advanced Features for Quantitative and Unconventional Seismic Interpretation CALGARY, Alberta--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Geomodeling Technology Corp., Geomodeling Technology Corp., a leading provider of seismic analysis and cross-scale modeling software for the upstream oil and gas industry, today announced release of AttributeStudio™ 7.1, its cutting-edge seismic attribute interpretation software. AttributeStudio 7.1 includes advanced tools...

Geomodeling to Showcase Advanced Unconventional Intrepretation at Recovery 2011 in Calgary

New features for AttributeStudio, SBED and ReservoirStudio will be demonstrated CALGARY, Alberta -- Geomodeling Technology Corp., a leading provider of innovative software for the upstream oil and gas industry, will be demonstrating new features focused on unconventional interpreation at the CSPG/CSEG/CWLS Recovery 2011 Conference & Exhibition May 9-13 in Calgary,...

Bioturbation and Its Effects on Permeability in Wave-Dominated Shoreface Rocks of the Spring Canyon Member, Blackhawk Formation, Utah, USA

Burrowing organisms displace and mix sedimentary grains by burrowing, feeding and relocating. Their activity within the substrate can add to sedimentary heterogeneity, but more importantly alters horizontal and vertical permeability. Understanding the subtle changes in permeability that result from biogenic structures within sediments is an important concern for operators working...