View Six Advanced Reservoir Characterization Presentations from Geomodeling at SEG 2013 in Houston

CALGARY, Alberta – Visitors to the Geomodeling Booth (#2306) at the 2013 SEG Annual Meeting will see six demonstrations of breakthrough software applications and services for seismic attribute analysis and reservoir characterization for both conventional and unconventional environments:

  • Advanced Techniques for Unconventional Seismic and Microseismic Interpretation in AttributeStudio
  • Using Stratal Slicing and Seismic Attributes in Complex Depositional Environments to Improve Reservoir Characterization
  • Using Direct Image-to-Model Conversion from Core CT Scans to Derive Accurate Directional Permeability
  • Advancing the State of the Art in Spectral Decomposition in AttributeStudio
  • Improving Reservoir Characterization Using Quantitative and Qualitative Seismic Analysis in AttributeStudio
  • Developing Realistic Geologic Models Using Process-based Channel and Channel Complex Modeling in ReservoirStudio 6.0

Included in these demonstrations is a new version ReservoirStudio, showcasing advanced geologic modeling with greater stratigraphic detail than conventional geocellular models.