
Workflows and Case Studies Solving Problems in Complex Reservoirs

Studies Solving Problems in Complex Reservoirs

The 37 references listed below are some of the published studies that have utilized geological models made from SBED or ReservoirStudio. The work presented in these studies demonstrates the business value of fine scale modeling and upscaling for better reservoir characterization and production forecasting. The references are listed in reverse chronological order beginning in 2023 to 1999.  The authors are from Statoil, Shell Internal E&P, Eni, BG Group, ConocoPhillips, Devon Energy, Murphy Oil, Heriot-Watt University, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, University of Calgary, University of Alberta, University of Leicester and Geomodeling Technology Corp.


1. Gray, D., Wen, R. and Zhang, R. (2023). Predicting Future Hydrocarbon Production using Neural Networks on Near Wellbore Seismic Volumes [Presentation]. Expanded Abstracts 2023 EAGE Convention, Vienna, Austria. Predicting Future Hydrocarbon Production using Neural Networks on Near Wellbore Seismic Volumes Authors D. Gray1, R. Wen1, R. Zhang1

2. Gray, D., Hawkins, D., Wen, R. and Luo, C. (2023). Using AI with Seismic Attributes to Estimate Future Microseismic Event Densities [Presentation]. Expanded Abstracts 2023 EAGE Convention, Vienna, Austria. Using AI with Seismic Attributes to Estimate Future Microseismic Event Densities

3. Gray, D., Wen, R. and Zhang, R. (2023). Getting AI to Abide by Your Interpretations [Presentation]. Expanded Abstracts 2023 CEGA/CSEG/CWLS GeoConvention, Calgary, Canada. Getting AI to Abide by Your Interpretations

4. Gray, D., Wen, R. and Zhang, R. (2023). Enhancing the Prediction of Production by Incorporating Near-Wellbore Seismic Volumes [Presentation]. Expanded Abstracts 2023 CEGA/CSEG/CWLS GeoConvention, Calgary, Canada. Enhancing the Prediction of Production by Incorporating Near-Wellbore Seismic Volumes

5. Gray, D., Hawkins, D., Wen, R. and Luo, C. (2023). Predicting Microseismic Event Density before Drilling [Presentation]. Expanded Abstracts 2023 CEGA/CSEG/CWLS GeoConvention, Calgary, Canada. Predicting Microseismic Event Density before Drilling


6. Martinius, A. W, 2017, Multiscale Gilbert-type delta lobe architecture and heterogeneities: The case of the Roda Sandstone Member. in AAPG Bulletin 101(04):453-463 · April 2017, DOI: 10.1306/011817DIG17024


7. Baniak, G. M., M. K. Gingras, B. A. Burns, and S. G. Pemberton, 2015, Petrophysical characterization of bioturbated sandstone reservoir facies in the Upper Jurassic Ula formation, Norwegian North Sea, Europe. Journal of Sedimentary Research, v 85, pages 62-81.

Product: SBED
Author’s affiliation: ConocoPhillips, University of Alberta

8. Alpak, F. O., 2015, Quasiglobal multiphase upscaling of reservoir models with nonlocal stratigraphic heterogeneities. SPE Journal, April 2015, pages 277-293.

Product: ReservoirStudio
Author’s affiliation: Shell international E&P


9. Nordahl, K., Messina, C., Berland, H. Rustad A. B., and Rimstad, E., 2014, Impact of multiscale modelling on predicted porosity and permeability distributions in the fluvial deposits of the Upper Lunde Member (Snorre Field, Norwegian Continental Shelf). In Sediment-Body Geometry and Heterogeneity: Analogue Studies for Modelling the Subsurface edited by A.W. Martinius, J.A. Howell , T.R. Good. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, February 2014; doi 10.1144/SP387. Pages 85-100.

Product: SBED & ReservoirStudio
Author’s affiliation: Statoil, TRACS International Consultancy Ltd.

10. Alpak, F. O. and F. v. d. Vlugt, 2014, Shale-drape modeling for the geologically consistent simulation of clastic reservoirs, SPE Journal, October 2014, pages 832-844.
Product: ReservoirStudio
Author’s affiliation: Shell international E&P

11. Alpak, F. O. and F. v. d. Vlugt, 2014, Dynamic impact and flow-based upscaling of the estuarine point-bar stratigraphic architecture. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 120, pages 18-38.
Product: ReservoirStudio
Author’s affiliation: Shell international E&P

12. Ringrose, P. & M. Bentley, 2014, Reservoir Model Design: A Practitioner’s Guide, published by Springer, 2014, 249 pages.
Product: SBED & ReservoirStudio
Author’s affiliation: Statoil and TRACS Consulting

13. Dabek, L; Shad, S. Dalir A., Knepp, R., 2014; Correlation of Permeability and Volume of Shale in Oil Sands: Improving Predictability in Low Permeability Zones of the McMurray Formation, Alberta, Canada. SPE Heavy Oil Conference-Canada, 10-12 June, Alberta, Canada, SPE-170060.
Product: SBED
Author’s affiliation: Devon Energy, Geomodeling Technology Corp


14. Alpak, F. O., Mark D. Barton, Stephen J. Naruk, 2013, The impact of fine-scale turbidite channel architecture on deep-water reservoir performance, AAPG Bulletin, V. 97, No. 2 (February 2013), P. 251–284.
Product: ReservoirStudio
Author’s affiliation: Shell international E&P

15. Chandra, V., R. Steele, P. Milroy, P.W.M. Corbett and S. Geiger, 2013, Using Near Wellbore Modelling and Dynamic Calibration to Improve Permeability Modelling in a Giant Carbonate Field, SPE Paper #69399, 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2013.
Product: SBED
Author’s affiliation: Heriot-Watt University

16. Chandra,V.S, Corbett, P.W.M., Geiger, S, Hamdi, H, 2013, Improving Reservoir Characterization and Simulation With Near-Wellbore Modeling, SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 02.
Product: SBED
Author’s affiliation: Heriot-Watt University & University of Calgary


17. Alpak, F. O., M.D. Barton and D. Castineira, 2011, Retaining geological realism in dynamic modelling: a channelized turbidite reservoir example from West Africa. Petroleum Geoscience. Vol 17, No 1, February 2011 pp. 35 – 52. DOI: 10.1144/1354-079309-033.

Product: ReservoirStudio
Author’s affiliation: Shell international E&P

18. Strating, E.H., D. Gardner, M. Boyles, C. O’byrne, M. Picha, F. v. Beek, & B. Lamond, 2011, Advanced reservoir characterization in unconventional oil sand resources, extended abstract, 73rd EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, 23-26 May 2011.

Product: SBED
Author’s affiliation: Shell international E&P, Murphy Oil.


19. Sirju, C. T. Pritchard, M. Lovell, S. Davies and K. Jeffrey, 2010, Forward modeling techniques used to predict welltest permeability, SPE Paper # 131275, presented at 72nd EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain 14-17, 2010.

Product: SBED
Author’s affiliation: BG Group, University of Calgary, University of Leicester

20. Alpak, F. O., M.D. Barton and F. v. d. Vlugt, 2010, Simplified modeling of turbidite channel reservoirs. SPE Journal June 2010, pages 480-494.

Product: ReservoirStudio
Author’s affiliation: Shell International E&P


21. Berland H, Børset K.,Nordahl K, Rennan L., Rustad, A B., 2009, Validating Workflows with Pore-Scale Modelling and Fine-Scale Geology for Water Saturation Interpretation. SPE-121904-MS, EUROPEC/EAGE Conference, and Exhibition, 8-11 June, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Product: SBED
Author’s affiliation: Statoil


22. Ringrose P, Nordahl K, 2008, Identifying the Representative Elementary Volume for Permeability in Heterolithic Deposits Using Numerical Rock Models. Math Geosci(2008), v40, p. 753-771.

Product: SBED
Author’s affiliation: Statoil

23. Ruvo, L, Doyle, J., Cozzi, M., Riva, S., Scaglioni, P, Serafini, G, 2008, Multiscale Data Integration in Characterizing and Modeling a Deepwater Turbidite Reservoir. SPE-115305-MS. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 21-24 September, Denver, Colorado, USA.

Product: SBED
Author’s affiliation: Eni E&P

24. Rustad A. B., T. G. Theting, and R. J. Held, 2008, Pore scale estimation, upscaling and uncertainty modeling for multiple properties, SPE/DOE Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, 20-23 April 2008, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

Product: SBED
Author’s affiliation: Statoil


25. Cossi, M., L. Ruvo, P. Scaglioni, 2007, Core-data processing to improve permeability-log estimation, SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, Vol 10, No. 5.

Product: SBED
Author’s affiliation: Eni E&P


26. Scaglioni,P., Ruvo, L., Cozzi, M., 2006, Implicit net-to-gross in the petrophysical characterization of thin-layered reservoirs. Petroleum Geoscience. Vol 12, No. 4, Pages 325-333.

Product: SBED
Author’s affiliation: Eni E&P


27. Elfenbein, C., Husby, Ø., and Ringrose, P. S., 2005, Geologically-based estimation of kv/kh ratios: an example from the Garn Formation, Tyrihans Field, Mid-Norway, in A.G. Doré and B.A. Vining, eds., Petroleum Geology: Northwest Europe and Global Perspectives, Proceedings of the 6th Petroleum Geology Conference, Geological Society, London, p. 537 – 544.

Product: SBED
Author’s affiliation: Statoil

28. Elfenbein, C., Ringrose, P. S., and Christie, M., 2005, Small-scale reservoir modeling tool optimizes hydrocarbon recovery offshore Norway, World Oil Magazine, October 2005.

Product: SBED
Author’s affiliation: Statoil, Geomodeling Technology Corp

29. Martinius, A. W., Ringrose, C. Brostrøm , C. Elfenbein1 , A. Næss and J. E. Ringås, 2005, Reservoir challenges of heterolithic tidal sandstone reservoirs in the Halten Terrace, mid-Norway. Petroleum Geoscience. Vol 11, No. 1, Pages 3-16.

Product: SBED
Author’s affiliation: Statoil

30. Nordhal, K., Ringrose, P. S., and Wen, R., 2005, Petrophysical characterization of a heterolithic tidal reservoir interval using a process-based modelling tool: Petroleum Geoscience, v. 11, p. 17 – 28.

Product: SBED
Author’s affiliation: Statoil, Geomodeling Technology Corp

31. Ringrose, P. S., Nordahl, K., and Wen, R., 2005, Vertical permeability in heterolithic tidal deltaic sandstones: Petroleum Geoscience, v. 11, p. 29 – 36.

Product: SBED
Author’s affiliation: Statoil, Geomodeling Technology Corp

32. Rivenæs, J. C., Otterlei, C., Zachariassen E., Dart C., and Sjøholm, J., 2005, A 3D stochastic model integrating depth, fault and property uncertainty for planning robust wells, Njord Field, offshore Norway. Petroleum Geoscience. Vol 11, No. 1, Pages 57-65.

Product: SBED
Author’s affiliation: Statoil

33. Theting, T.G., B. Rustad, T.R. Lerdahl, J.Å. Stensen, T. Boassen, P.-E. Øren, S. Bakke and P. Ringrose, 2005, Pore-to-Field Multi-Phase Upscaling for a Depressurization Process, IOR 2005 – 13th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery

Product: SBED
Author’s affiliation: StatoilWen, R., 2005, SBED Studio: An integrated workflow solution for multi-scale geo-modelling, EAGE 67

34. Wen, R., 2005, SBED Studio: An integrated workflow solution for multi-scale geo-modelling, EAGE 67th Conference & exhibition, Geomodeling Tools Workshop, Madrid, Spain, 12 June 2005.

Product: SBED & ReservoirStudio
Author’s affiliation: Geomodeling Technology Corp


35. Ringrose P. K. Nordahl, A. Ness, C. Elfenbein, P, Zhang, H. Langeland, 2004, Permeability rescaling and near-wellbore modeling of heterogeneities in Lower Jurassic tidal-influenced Tiljie formation, Heidrun field, SPWLA 45th Annual Logging Symposium, 2004.

Product: SBED
Author’s affiliation: Statoil, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

36. Pickup, G., Ringrose, P. S., and Sharif, A., 2000, Steady-State Upscaling: From Lamina-Scale to Full-Field Model: SPE Journal, v. 5, p. 208 – 217.
Product: SBED
Author’s affiliation: Statoil, Heriot-Watt University, Roxar


37. Martinius, A. W., Ringrose, P. S., Næss, A., and Wen, R., 1999, Multi-scale Characterisation and Modelling of Heterolithic Tidal Systems, Offshore Mid-Norway, in T.F. Hentz, ed., Advanced Reservoir Characterisation for the Twenty-First Century: Gulf Coast Section and Society Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Foundation, Special Publication, 19th Annual Research Conference, p. 193 – 204.

Product: SBED
Author’s affiliation: Statoil, Geomodeling Technology Corp