Module 10: AI for Seismic Interpretation

Harness the power of AI with subsurfaceAI’s interpAI package, designed for both 2-D and 3-D seismic surveys. This module streamlines seismic interpretation through interactive labeling and training, enabling users to digitize and edit training labels for complex geological features. Utilize pre-trained or custom AI models for fault probability, relative geologic time volumes, and seismic sequence interpretations. Additionally, interpret channels, geobodies, and facies with enhanced precision. Shared InterpAI servers facilitate collaborative efforts, while corporate knowledge management ensures valuable insights are centralized and shared across teams, fostering an environment of continuous learning and improvement.

Key Features

1. Versatile Application

    • All AI interpretation processes are adaptable to both 2-D and 3-D seismic surveys.

2.Interactive Labeling & Training

    • Effortlessly digitize and refine training labels for faults, channels, and geological features like salt domes and volcanoes across sections, slices, or stratal slices.
    • Convert existing horizon and fault interpretations into training labels.
    • Train the AI model using established label sections and promptly assess training outcomes.
    • Predict on untrained sections or slices, convert predictions into training labels, and iteratively enhance training until desired results are achieved.
  1. Fault Probability Volume
    • Generate fault probability volumes from pre-trained or interactively trained AI models.
    • Seamlessly track fault surfaces from fault probability volumes.
    • Convert tracked fault objects into fault sticks for further analysis.
  2. Predict Relative Geologic Time Volume
    • Create Relative Geologic Time (RGT) volumes using pre-trained AI models.
    • Generate horizon surfaces from RGT volumes for comprehensive geological insights.
  3. Seismic Sequence Interpretation
    • Produce seismic sequence volumes leveraging interactively trained AI models.
    • Generate horizon surfaces from seismic sequence volumes to enhance interpretation accuracy.
  4. Geobodies and Salt Dome Detection
    • Generate channel and geobody probability volumes using interactively trained AI models for precise subsurface characterization.
  5. Facies Interpretation
    • Enable training and prediction of multiple facies.
    • Interactively digitize and refine the geometry of each facies across sections and slices for detailed interpretation.
  6. InterpretationAI Servers
    • Support multiple GPU servers for efficient training and prediction processes.
    • Benefit from shared InterpretationAI servers for enhanced collaboration and resource optimization.
  7. Corporate Interpretation Knowledge Management
    • Digitize seismic interpretation expertise from all experienced seismic interpreters within your organization.
    • Categorize digitized interpretation knowledge, including labels and AI models, based on basins, plays, structure styles, and depositional environments.
    • Share labels and models through a centralized corporate database across projects and asset teams, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing.
    • Flexible management of permission rights for both labels and trained AI models ensures secure and controlled access.