Geomodeling in SEG 2014 Annual Conference
Author: subsurfaceAI

We are pleased to announce that a successful AttributeStudioTM  case study paper, co-authored by Mr. Ryan Fairfield, an SM Energy geophysicist and two of Geomodeling’s geoscientists has been selected as a paper from URTeC 2013 conference to be presented at the 2014 84th Annual SEG  Meeting.

The paper’s title is “A Workflow for Predicting Porous Sand via Seismic Attribute Analysis of a Missourian Age Mid-Continent Wash”.  The abstract can be found at

Please join us at session SS2, Room 2BC, on Oct. 27th (Monday) afternoon 2:20 pm for this presentation.

For more information about this case study, please contact Geomodeling at [email protected]