What's New in AttributeStudio 8.5
Author: subsurfaceAI


AttributeStudio 8.5

Presented By:

Cindy Luo

Msc, Geoscience Specialist
Geomodeling Technology Corp

Date: 12-May-2021
Time: 9:00-10:00 AM, Mountain time (GMT-7:00)
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AttributeStudio 8.5 includes six new features and more than eighty usability enhancements and defect repairs based on users’ feedbacks. In this webinar we will demonstrate the following major new features and improvements,

  1. Extrapolate and quality control well velocity curves on T-D window.
  2. Build 3-D velocity model for time-depth conversion with multiple tops in horizontal wells.
  3. Nonlinear data-color transform for RGBA color blending
  4. Select wells on base-map to define well correlation and dynamic updating
  5. Estimate 1-D probability density function on cross plot
  6. Improved mapping of posterior facies probability in Bayes facies classification
  7. Use both log templates and log alias when selecting well logs for cross plotting

Please join us to showcase the latest innovations in AttributeStudio, an integrated system for seismic interpretation and reservoir characterization powered by advanced machine-learning workflows.

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