Webinar - Seismic Facies Volume Interpretation Workflow in AttributeStudio
Author: subsurfaceAI


Seismic Facies Volume Interpretation Workflow in AttributeStudio


Presented by: Cindy Luo, Msc, Geoscience Specialist

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Date: Wednesday, October 28th, 2020
Time: 9:00 AM-10:00 AM (MST)




Seismic facies are indicators of depositional settings or reservoir distributions in the subsurface. In AttributeStudio, you can generate seismic facies volumes using either supervised or unsupervised classification method; you can also import seismic facies volumes generated by a 3rd party to the project.  Interpretation of seismic facies volume can result in useful information about spatial distribution of reservoir heterogeneity and better reservoir characterization. In this webinar we will demonstrate the following workflow to interpret seismic volumes in AttributeStudio.

  1. Facies volume visualization
  2. Facies filtering to remove noise
  3. Automatic tracking of facies boundary surfaces
  4. Convert facies volumes to geobodies
  5. Edit geobodies
  6. Extract horizons from geobodies
  7. Extract seismic attributes to geobodies
  8. Make isochores from geobodies
  9. Calculate geobody volumes, OOIP & OGIP
  10. Resample seismic facies to reservoir grid for petrophysical property simulation

Geobodies are interpreted 3-D objects that are connected seismic samples with the same facies code. By converting the facies volume to geobodies, you can easily apply the geobody interpretation and analysis workflow to the facies volume. OOIP and OGIP can be calculated in geobodies from different facies.

A seismic facies volume can also be resampled to a reservoir grid and the resampled facies grid can be used to continue the general workflow in the static reservoir modeling.

We will demonstrate the above facies interpretation and analysis workflow in the webinar using AttributeStudio 8.4.1.

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