AttributeStudio 8.4 Update 1 - Released
Author: subsurfaceAI

Geomodelling Released

AttributeStudio 8.4 Update 1

We are pleased to announce the general release of AttributeStudio 8.4 update 1, which includes 6 major new features and 6 major enhancements. We have made more than 90 minor improvements and defect repairment.  The user guide in this update includes documentations of all right-button menu commands and new functions.

The following new features are available in the 8.4 update 1 release:

  • Structure-oriented stacking. This is a new structure-oriented noise filtering function through stacking of nearby traces in the same dipping plane defined by dip and azimuth attributes. The stacked volume removes noises without smearing edges such as faults and stratigraphic boundaries, resulting clearer attributes, such as fault patterns in semblance and volume curvatures.
  • An interactive stratal slice stacking function on base map window. User can interactively select an interval of slices through slide bars on either section window, base map, or 3-D window. The base map will real-time update the stacked map of the stratal slice values. User can convert the stacked range of slices to a new strata-grid.
  • When you make a strata-grid, you will have three coordinate grids, X, Y, Z. These coordinate grids are very useful to be used as input to neural network training. You can use these grids as any other strata-grid attribute. For strata-grids made in previous versions of AttributeStudio, you can create the coordinate grids through the right-button menu command: “Create Coordinate Grids” on the strata-grid tree node.
  • Export culture data to shapefiles. A new command “Export to Shapefile” is added to the culture layer tree node. If you want to export digitized polylines and polygons to shapefiles, you must convert these objects to a culture layer through the command “Convert to Culture Map Layer” on the polygon or polyline folders.
  • Add a “Tops” property page to show well tops in each well. User can control the visibility of each well top in a well.
  • Import fault polygons and list the fault polygons in the “Fault” tree tab window.

Major enhancements in the 8.4 update 1 release include:

  • We have re-coded the import functions of culture data from DXF and shape files. The tree view layout of culture data has been redesigned. Under the “Culture Data Folder”, you can define multiple “Map Layer Folder”, where you can import multiple map layers in shapefile or DXF file formats.    Each map layer contains a list of same type of objects, such as polylines, polygons, or points.  User can drag and drop map layers to different layer folders.
  • Animation speed improvement of 3-D attribute volumes on the seismic section window and 3-D window. Stratal slice visualization speed on base map is also improved significantly. To further speed up the stratal slice animation on basemap, especially for a very large strata-grid, we provide an option to convert strata-grid attributes into “LDM” volume format, which can be set in the visualization page of strata-grid when the active window is a base map window. Visualization speed is now specified as FPS (frame per second).
  • A separate right-button menu command to calculate volume dip and dip azimuth attributes. In previous versions, user has the option to export volume dip and dip azimuth attributes in the process of calculating volume curvatures. With the new command, user can generate volume dip and azimuth attributes independent of calculating volume curvatures.
  • In Bayes facies classification, facies objects are now automatically generated after selecting the classification training model. In the previous version, users must use a right-button menu command to generate facies objects.
  • Be able to utilize stratal slice grid values as training data, which makes it possible to predict well logs at the sample rate less than that of seismic attributes. In previous versions, a strata-grid interval attribute must be calculated as the training data, which limits the sample rate of strata-grid to be that of seismic attributes.
  • The right-button menu commands on base map, well and strata-grid are re-organized to improve the usability.

In the update 1 release of AttributeStudio 8.4, we have repaired more than 90 defects reported by our clients and GTC’s internal testing team, resulting more stability and better usability than before. Details of the defects and improvements are listed in the “What’s New in 8.4 Update 1” section in the online help.

AttributeStudio 8.4 update 1 is now available for download from web portal by our clients under the maintenance agreement.

For more information about Geomodeling’s product and service, please contact us at [email protected].