Geomodeling Releases AttributeStudio 8.6.1

Release of AttributeStudio 8.6.1

February 24, 2021

​CALGARY, Alberta – Geomodeling Technology Corp., a leading innovator of integrated seismic attribute interpretation and cross-scale modeling software, today announced the general release of AttributeStudio™ 8.6.1. This is a service patch release, with two new features and 19 enhancements or defects repairments.

 New Features

1)  Display cross-correlation table in image mode. The cross-correlation coefficients are color coded with a user defined color map, allowing user to quickly identify redundant attributes.

2)  Be able to import the attribute database in shapefiles. User can select one or multiple attributes visible on a base map and control their scale dependent visibility via the culture layer.

Enhancements and defects repaired since 8.6 build #2103

  1. G2225: Use the correct symbols and icon images for elastic property volumes.
  2. G2236: Invalid value does not work when importing general point data.
  3. G2265: Well types change to unknown after importing well path.
  4. G2266: Isochore surface calculated from geobodies has negative values and could not be visualized.
  5. G2269: Program crashes when converting fault points plane to fault stick with polygon constrain.
  6. G2276: The default drop-down menu width should be wider to let user see the full text clearly.
  7. G2278: The well that has less tops will be ignored when importing well tops using top names in row.
  8. G2321: Program crashes when visualizing reservoir grid on well section window.
  9. G2328: Unable to import SeisX surface exported from AttributeStudio.
  10. G2381: Program crashes when building deep learning model on microseismic points.
  11. G2383: Do not check x, y, z of strata-grid by default when launching geobody auto detection.
  12. G2402: Program is not stable, and results are wrong when importing well top using fixed width format.
  13. G2410: Culture data in shape file loaded in AttributeStudio looks wrong if the shapefile’s data are in geographic coordinates.
  14. G2414: Program crashes if closing the calculator window while the computation is still in progress.
  15. G2417: Projection setting is lost after re-opening a new created project.
  16. G2419: Add “Num. of Samples” in the UI of “Converting to Volume” for strata-grid.
  17. G2421: User defined value for invalid samples is not set correctly in strata-grid.
  18. G2440: Invalid value does not take effect when importing core plug analysis file.
  19. G2442: Program crashes when displaying strata-grid in 3-D window under Linux.

We have been continuing the tradition of improving the usability of existing functions. The general release AttributeStudio 8.6.1 and the accompanying “What’s New in AttributeStudio 8.6.1” are now available for download from web portal by our clients under maintenance agreement.
We appreciate feedbacks and testing from our active user community. For more information about Geomodeling’s product and service, please contact us at [email protected].