subsurfaceAI offers fast and efficient workflow solutions for subsurface tasks in both conventional and unconventional oil and gas exploration and production, as well as CO2 storage reservoir characterization. subsurfaceAI’s cutting-edge workflow solutions empower you to optimize your assets and reduce risk. Explore our comprehensive range of solutions below:

Rapid Seismic Interpretation

interpAI is designed to enhance seismic interpretation productivity without replacing interpreters. interpAI learns from your interpretation experience and enables you to achieve remarkable productivity gains of 20-200 times. With our solution, you can complete large 30 seismic interpretation projects in just 2 days, a fraction of the time compared to legacy interpretation software.

Multi-Scale Reservoir Modeling

geomodelingAI solution enables a seamless multi-scale workflow from core-to-field. Take advantage of core-plug upscaling, modeling of lamina and grain size heterogeneity, capturing stratigraphic architectures below the resolution limit of seismic data, analyzing point bars and channel stacking patterns, implementing flow-based upscaling, generating directional permeability grids for accurate production simulation, and integrating seamlessly with conventional geomodeling workflows.

Reservoir Property Prediction

integrationAI quantitatively integrate well data and seismic inversion or microseismic attributes. Predict reservoir properties, such as facies, porosity, and permeability, in a stratigraphic grid using seismic attributes. Seamlessly integrate reservoir property prediction into your geomodeling workflow for enhanced accuracy and informed decision-making.

Optimizing Unconventional Plays

Design optimal well placements using integrationAI, which integrates production data, seismic attributes, and completion data with near-wellbore seismic data from pre-drilling results. Benefit from sweet-spot mapping, ranking acreage based on predicted production potential, optimizing drilling orientation, and mitigating drilling hazards associated with small faults and fractures.

CO2 Subsurface Storage Reservoir Characterization

Design optimal well placements using integrationAI, which integrates production data, seismic attributes, and completion data with near-wellbore seismic data from pre-drilling results. Benefit from sweet-spot mapping, ranking acreage based on predicted production potential, optimizing drilling orientation, and mitigating drilling hazards associated with small faults and fractures.