Microseismic Data Analysis for Unconventional Plays

4-D Visualization of Microseismic Data and AI Assisted Analysis for Unconventional Plays

Microseismic surveys have become a standard operation for evaluating the effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing in unconventional drilling. Recent advancements in imaging quality and accuracy have led to a surge in the use of microseismic technology in the unconventional oil and gas industry. Geoscientists and completion engineers require effective and rapid tools to visualize and analyze microseismic data in real-time, enabling them to make swift decisions on-site for optimized hydraulic fracturing operations.

AI-Assisted Interpretation

SubsurfaceAI 2024: AI Assisted Interpretation and Integration Solutions for Microseismic Data

SubsurfaceAI 2024 is equipped with all the necessary functions to visualize, analyze, and predict microseismic data during hydraulic fracturing operations. This solution allows you to integrate microseismic data with other geological and geophysical (G&G), completion, and production data within a single project. The following is a step-by-step workflow for handling microseismic data within a SubsurfaceAI 2024 project:

step-by-step workflow

1. Data Import

  • Import microseismic data, hydraulic fracturing stages, and completion data into an existing seismic interpretation or reservoir modeling project in SubsurfaceAI.

2. Microseismic Events Animation

  • Dedicated windows for 3D and 4D visualizations of microseismic events alongside surface attributes and completion data.
  • Animation of microseismic data in section, map, and 3D views.
  • Real-time updates with PHD database.
  • Time-bar windows for synchronized animation of microseismic events with completion data.

3. Stimulated Reservoir Volumes (SRV) Estimation

  • Calculation of 3D microseismic intensity or attributes.
  • Estimation of in-stage microseismic intensity and attribute volumes within user-defined intervals.
  • Re-sampling of surface seismic attributes to microseismic volumes.
  • Estimation of SRVs for each stage or time interval within each stage.

4. Microseismic and Completion Data Visualization

  • Animation of microseismic events in both 3D and 2D windows (base map and seismic sections).
  • Visualization of completion time series data.
  • Definition of multiple vector plots from microseismic attributes and advanced filtering.
  • Visualization of microseismic vector plots in both 3D and base map windows, alongside other well and seismic data.
  • Live link for cross-plotting any completion and microseismic events in both 2D and 3D windows.

5. 4D Microseismic Visualization

  • Animation of in-stage 4D microseismic volumes in gun-barrel, section, and map views, integrated with completion data.
6. Prediction of Microseismic Intensity
  • Implementation of a deep learning workflow to predict microseismic intensity maps after training with pre- or post-stack seismic attributes. The model is applicable to any horizon or interval within areas sharing similar geology.
7. Data Analytics
  • Analysis of the distance between fracturing stages and microseismic points.
  • Development of deep learning models to correlate microseismic intensity and other attributes.
  • Construction of deep learning models to assess the relative contributions of SRV, surface seismic attributes, microseismic data, and completion data.
8. Microseismic Event Classification
  • Accept any set of microseismic properties as input.
  • Use advanced machine learning methods for unsupervised classification.
  • Perform fit-for-purpose classification of microseismic events to gain deeper insights into microseismicity.
9. Diffusivity Plots
  • Apply multiple models to represent the spatial distribution of microseismic events.
  • Classify microseismic events into wet and dry categories.
10. Iso-surfaces of Density Volumes
  • Generate iso-surfaces of microseismic density volumes with P20, P50, and P75 percentiles, correlated with SRVs at different uncertainty levels.
  • Define geobodies from iso-surfaces of microseismic density volumes, corresponding to SRVs with uncertainty quantification.

SubsurfaceAI 2024 integrates microseismic data seamlessly with seismic interpretation and reservoir modeling projects, incorporating all available seismic, well, completion, and production data. This integration makes microseismic data a vital part of the subsurface G&G workflow. The AI-powered microseismic workflow in SubsurfaceAI enables real-time decision-making on-site based on microseismic observations.

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