Release of AttributeStudio 8.4
Author: subsurfaceAI

AttributeStudio 8.4

Explainable Machine Learning Workflows for Quantitative Integration of Seismic Attributes and Well Data

CALGARY, Alberta – Geomodeling Technology Corp. a leading provider of quantitative seismic interpretation and cross-scale modeling software for the upstream oil and gas industry, today announced the general release of AttributeStudio™ 8.4. The new version of AttributeStudio™ is powered by several workflow functions to explain the “black-box” of machine learning and deep learning algorithms for predicting well data from seismic attributes. Geoscientists tend to only trust results that can be explained.

“AttributeStudio 8.4 represents a new level of quantitative integration of seismic attributes and well data. It helps me to quickly recommend next drilling locations to my clients with more confidence”

-Bruce Gawalko
Geophysical consultant at Whitecap Resources Inc


With the release AttributeStudio 8.4, users can easily gain insight into the complex relationship of multiple seismic attributes and well data, explaining the results from a neural network in terms of individual input attributes and wells where training data are derived from. The explainable neural network functions in AttribuetStudio 8.4 allow geoscientists to make critical decisions based the quantitative integration (QI) results between seismic attributes and well data with more confidence.

The Performance Analysis tools in AttributeStudio 8.4 enable users to peek into the “black-box” of a neural network model, such as ranking the importance of input seismic attributes for both classification and well property prediction. With the partial dependence plot (PDP), users can examine the relationship between the predicted well data and individual attributes. The influence of each training well is visualized in Individual Conditional Expectation (ICE) plots.
AttributeStudio™ 8.4 also comes with new productivity functions, such as the new elastic modulus calculators for well logs and 3-D seismic volumes. The unsupervised classification workflow in 8.4 can generate seismic facies volumes for very large 3-D seismic volumes and strata-grids, with an option to use a polygon in controlling the area to be classified. Predicted well properties in a strata-grid can be rendered as interval maps between any user defined strata slices or as 3-D seismic volumes.
A major new module in AttributeStudio™ 8.4 is the Bayes classification workflow. A Bayes classification model is trained in 2-D or 3-D cross plots with the log facies after upscaling to the seismic scale. The model can be applied to the strata-grid, interval or horizontal attributes, generating a facies grid or a facies map. The Bayes classification in 3-D cross plot is complemented by a new 3-D polygon classification function, in which users can define arbitrary 3-D polygons representing different facies.

“A key benefit of using AttributeStudio for our seismic attribute interpretation platform is the fast response from Geomodeling to user feedback. We are always impressed by the speed that Geomodeling’s R&D team fixes issues and implements new features to improve the product based upon our suggestions. This level of customer service is very rare among geoscience interpretation platforms”

-Ryan Fairfield,
Senior Staff Geophysicist at WPX Energy

“AttributeStudio 8.4 represents a new level of quantitative integration of seismic attributes and well data. It helps me to quickly recommend next drilling locations to my clients with more confidence”, Commented by Mr. Bruce Gawalko, a geophysical consultant at Whitecap Resources Inc. and a long-time user of AttributeStudio for more than 10 years.
New features and functionalities in AttributeStudio 8.4 are driven by an active user community. This is echoed by Mr. Ryan Fairfield, a Senior Staff Geophysicist at WPX Energy: “A key benefit of using AttributeStudio for our seismic attribute interpretation platform is the fast response from Geomodeling to user feedback.

We are always impressed by the speed that Geomodeling’s R&D team fixes issues and implements new features to improve the product based upon our suggestions. This level of customer service is very rare among geoscience interpretation platforms.”.
The general release version of AttributeStudio 8.4 is now available for download from web portal by our clients under maintenance agreement. For more information about Geomodeling’s product and service, please contact us at [email protected]