Module 2: Integrated Visualization Environment

The Integrated Visualization Environment in subsurfaceAI revolutionizes the way subsurface data is visualized and interpreted. It features multiple base map windows with real-time synchronization, allowing for the display of all project objects with customizable visualization properties. The module supports well section windows for displaying comprehensive well logs and data, seismic section windows for detailed seismic data analysis, and 3-D windows for immersive visualization of seismic attribute volumes. Additional tools like histograms, frequency spectra, T-D curves, and wavelet windows enhance data analysis. The environment also includes a completion data window and capabilities for printing and plotting, alongside an AI Label View Window for accessing AI database labels, making it an all-encompassing solution for subsurface data visualization and interpretation.

Key Features

  • Base Map:
    • Multiple base map windows, synchronized in real-time. All project objects can be displayed on base maps, with customizable visualization properties for each base map or object.
  • Well Section Window:
    • Displays well logs, tops, synthetic seismograms, and near-well bore seismic traces. Supports an unlimited number of wells on the same section window. Offers flexible control and synchronization of all visualization properties.
  • Seismic Section Window:
    • Displays seismic data of inline, cross line, or user-defined arbitrary lines. Supports multiple seismic attribute overlays, wiggle, variable density, or join display. Multiple seismic section windows can be synchronized in 2-D and 3-D views.
  • 3-D Window:
    • Visualizes seismic attribute volumes in single or multiple 3-D surveys in either time or depth domains. Users can interactively adjust volume opacity.
    • Supports common subsurface objects in 3-D windows, switchable between time and depth domains:
      • Seismic volume, inline, cross-line, time slice, user-defined random sections
      • Multiple 2-D and 3-D survey geometries
      • 2-D seismic sections
      • 2-D and 3-D horizon interpretations
      • Regular 2-D grid
      • Well header, well path, well log (continuous, discrete, bitmap), well top, and its properties, well formation, and its properties.
      • Strata-grid attributes and geometry
      • Culture data (points, lines, polygons, bitmaps), individually or overlaid on the surface or strata-grid
      • Reservoir grid in corner point format
      • Micro-seismic event points
      • Fracture objects interpreted from well data
      • Tadpoles along the well path
      • Tracer data along well bores
  • Histogram Window:
    • Displays histogram distributions of multiple objects, such as volumes before and after filtering and spectral decomposition.
  • Frequency Spectral Window:
    • Shows amplitude spectra of multiple objects, such as volumes before and after filtering and spectral decomposition.
  • T-D Curve Window:
    • Displays velocity and T-D curves of multiple wells for quality control purposes.
  • Wavelet Window:
    • Displays T-D curves of multiple wells for quality control purposes.
  • Completion Data Window:
    • Displays time series of multiple completion data, such as fracking pressures and chemical concentration over time.
  • Microseismic Windows:
    • A composite window consisting of base map, gun barrel, profile and time-series showing completion pressure and microseismic events.
    • Animate microseismic events and intensity maps or volumes in 2-D section, basemap and 3-D windows
    • Update completion data from PHD server in almost real-time.
  • Print and Plot:
    • Supports standard print and plot for base map and seismic section window. Montage post can be created by including multiple windows on the same plot (cross plot, section, base map, and model trace plot).
  • AI Label View Window:
    • Allows viewing of label sections or slices in the AI database.