Module 19: Static Reservoir Modeling

subsurfaceAI 2024 introduces Module 19, a complete workflow solution to static reservoir models from well tops, seismic horizons, and seismic attributes. Designed to facilitate the entire modeling workflow, from horizon surface modeling to the sophisticated upscaling of geocellular models for flow simulation, this module empowers geoscientists and engineers to construct accurate reservoir models and forecast reservoir behavior with precision.

Key Features:

  1. Horizon Surface Modeling:
    • Construct 2D surface grids from well tops or seismic horizon interpretations using either deterministic or geostatistical interpolation algorithms, establishing a solid foundation for geological modeling.
  1. Stratigraphic Layering:
    • Insert stratigraphic layers between key horizons with user-defined contact relationships (proportional, top conformable, bottom conformable, or parallel to external surfaces). Leverage isochores to refine layering, specifying the number of layers or their thickness distribution to align with geological insights.
  1. Well Log Upscaling:
    • Scale well log curves to cell values along well paths in the stratigraphic grid. Methods include volumetric averaging for porosity, volume voting for facies logs, and harmonic averaging for permeability, creating well-conditioned data for further modeling.
  1. Data Analysis:
    • Analyze well conditioning data via a unified interface, estimating histogram distributions, variogram models, and cross-correlation coefficients for facies, porosity, and permeability, ensuring models are statistically robust.
  1. Facies Modeling:
    • Generate multiple realizations of facies grids using geostatistical algorithms, honoring upscaled facies logs at well locations to ensure geological consistency.
  1. Property Modeling:
    • Produce multiple realizations of porosity and permeability grids through sequential Gaussian simulation, incorporating porosity and permeability trends from well data or seismic attributes. Options include universal kriging and collocated cokriging for comparison to stochastic realizations.
  1. Volumetric Uncertainty Quantification:
    • Calculate oil and gas volumes in place, selecting oil-water and gas-water contact surfaces for conventional reservoirs. Display histogram distributions of original gas in place (OGIP), highlighting P10, P50, and P90 percentiles for comprehensive risk assessment.
  1. Upscaling to Flow Grid:
    • Define a target grid with fewer cells, applying volumetric averaging for porosity upscaling and selecting from arithmetic, harmonic, or flow-based methods for permeability upscaling. Preserve key geological features, such as mud layers in inclined heterolithic stratification (IHS), ensuring accurate flow simulation.

Dive into a streamlined workflow for building static reservoir model grids with all your data available, providing fast input to the reservoir simulation process for the production forecasting and remaining reserve estimate.