Module 11: Seismic Attribute Calculation and Interpretive Processing

Elevate your seismic data analysis with a comprehensive suite of attribute calculation and interpretive processing tools. Calculate a wide range of post-stack seismic attributes, including instantaneous, dip and azimuth, and spectral attributes. Leverage advanced spectral decomposition algorithms and AVO analysis for deeper insights. Enhance your seismic data further with interpretive processing techniques like colored inversion and spectral blueing, enabling more accurate geological interpretations and decision-making.

Key Features

  1. Attribute Calculation and Image Processing
    • Seamlessly compute post-stack seismic attributes for both 3-D volumes and 2-D seismic sections. Key attributes include:
      • Instantaneous attributes such as amplitude, phase, frequency, polarity, and more.
      • Dip and azimuth volumes for enhanced structural analysis.
      • Lambertian reflectance for improved visualization.
      • Various curvature volumes for detailed structural characterization.
      • Fault likelihood volume for fault detection and analysis.
      • Trace similarity attributes for waveform analysis and coherence assessment.
      • Relative acoustic impedance for lithological analysis.
      • Spectral attributes including frequency components and bandwidth characteristics.
      • Thinning of fault and fracture attributes for precise identification.
  2. Spectral Decomposition
    • Utilize six spectral decomposition algorithms for detailed frequency analysis:
      • Short-time Fourier transform (STFT)
      • Continuous wavelet transform (CWT)
      • Time-frequency continuous wavelet transform (TFCWT)
      • S-Transform
      • Continuous wavelet packet transform (CWPT)
      • Real seismic wavelet transform (RSWT)
  3. AVO Attributes
    • Calculate AVO gradient and intercept attributes from partial stacked seismic volumes.
    • Cross-plot AVO attributes to define AVO class volumes for enhanced analysis.
  4. Interpretive Processing
    • Perform interpretive processing on seismic volumes interactively, either before or after attribute calculation. The following algorithms are available:
      • Colored inversion for improved seismic resolution.
      • Spectral blueing for frequency-based enhancement.
      • Band-pass filtering to isolate specific frequency ranges.
      • 3-D image filtering with various filter types including mean, median, maximum, minimum, Sobel, PCA filtering, Gaussian filter, and edge-preserving filters.
      • Phase rotation for phase adjustment and alignment.
      • Texture filtering for enhanced structural delineation and feature extraction.