Geomodeling Releases AttributeStudio 9
Author: subsurfaceAI

Geomodeling Releases AttributeStudio 9

October 6, 2022

CALGARY, Alberta – Geomodeling Technology Corp., a leading innovator of integrated seismic interpretation and cross-scale modeling software for oil and gas E&P industry, today announced the general release of AttributeStudio™ 9.0. This release is a major milestone in the 20 years development of AttributeStudio. The new release comes with improved usability to interpret multiple seismic attribute volumes more efficiently and effectively. We are continuously striving for providing easy-to-use workflow solutions for seismic interpreters in characterizing resource plays and complex reservoirs, both quantitatively and interactively in an integrated visualization environment.

The following are brief descriptions for the new features introduced in version 9.0:

1. Calculate and interpret AVO attributes from partial stack seismic volumes. You can calculate AVO gradient and intercept attribute volumes from two or more partial stack seismic volumes after specifying the offset angle of each volume.  All attribute analysis workflows are applicable to the derived AVO volumes. A dedicated AVO cross plot window can be launched from a gradient or an intercept attribute on tree nodes of strata-grid, horizon, or interval. Users can define the trend line from Vp/Vs ratio, AVO anomaly polygon or AVO class boundaries. Points inside polygons are real-time updated on base map, 3-D and seismic section windows. The interactively classified AVO classes can be saved and stored as facies object under a strata-grid, a seismic horizon or an interval. The facies objects in a strata-grid can be subsequently converted to geobodies from which isochore maps of AVO class objects can be calculated.

2. Export a polygon area or an attribute image displayed on a base map window to a GeoTiff image. You can specify the pixel resolution of the GeoTiff image to be generated. The GeoTiff image includes the geographic projection information of the AttributeStudio project. This new function makes it easier for seismic interpreters to communicate seismic attribute analysis results, such as a classification map or RGB color blended stratal slices  to geologists who display the GeoTiff image in their favorite geologic mapping software.

3. Collocated kriging and co-simulation of well data and seismic attributes. This new workflow is complementary to the existing deep learning workflow in AttributeStudio to integrate well data and seismic attributes. Geostatistical methods are known to be useful in quantifying the uncertainty in the reservoir property prediction. Users have access to the geostatistical methods in all objects where you can launch “Deep Learning” via the command “Property Modeling”. Kriging or simulation algorithms can be selected by users, with an option to select seismic attributes as the secondary variables in the collocated kriging or co-simulation. Data analysis functions have been improved to facilitate the geostatistical workflow.

4. Generate multiple realizations of deep-learning prediction results. Since the selection of training samples is the key to the result of any neural network training process, you can now define the number of training scenarios in the deep learning training process, each of which randomly select the user-defined percentage of samples as training, testing and validation data, resulting multiple model parameter set for one deep learning model node. When you run the prediction process of the new deep learning model, you can generate multiple realizations of the prediction, with option to output P25, P50, and P75. The process works for the deep learning process on strata-grid, horizon and interval objects.

5. Upscale well log to well formation and carry out the deep learning and geostatistical workflows to a horizon or interval corresponding to the formation.

6. Calculate and visualize SHAP values to rank input variables for explainable deep learning. SHAP values are powerful measurements for quantifying the contribution of each training and validation sample to any prediction model, which provides more interpretable information than the existing importance ranking and partial dependence plots in the Performance Window of AttributeStudio. The SHAP plots added to the Performance Window include “Feature Importance”, “Partial Dependence” and “Beeswarm Summary Plot”, on which you can interpret the deep learning results more intuitively, based on contributions of samples and input variables.

7. Generate facies volume by thresholding. A dedicated command and user-interface (UI) is added in this new version to allow user to flexibly classify an attribute volume to a facies volume by a thresholding value. The thresholding can be constrained by an existing facies volume defined by user on the UI.

8. Two new horizon tracking methods are added in version 9: the first is for extending tracked horizons on seismic sections to perpendicular sections; the second is for continuously tracking and updating of a horizon inside a small sub-volume (probe) in the 3-D window while an interpreter can interactively move or adjust the size of the probe.

9. Bandpass filtering of well logs. With the version 9, you can do bandpass filtering of any continuous well logs, guided by spectral plot shown on the bandpass filtering UI. The bandpass filtering method and user interface are like the bandpass filtering for seismic data.

10. Normalize well logs. You can normalize continuous well logs on the “Well Log Calculation” UI, with two industrial standards well log normalization methods.

11. Update T-D curves for 2-D seismic survey. Updating T-D curves by few pairs of seismic horizons and well tops has been available for 3-D surveys for many years in AttributeStudio. With version 9, you can do the same well tie process to 2-D surveys in the same workflow as for 3-D seismic survey.

12. Physics-based volume rendering. A new volume rendering that is physics based is the default volume rendering method, which provides more realistic 3-D view for geobodies in a seismic volume. To active the volume rendering mode, simply using the right-button menu command when the cursor is on a probe (sub-volume) in 3-D window.

13. Overlay unlimited numbers of seismic attributes on seismic section and base map windows. You can overlay volume data with different dimension in inline/xline/samples to a volume or strata-grid displayed on seismic section or base map. The base attribute could be an RGB color blending volume or any attribute. You have the flexibility to edit the opacity and color map of individual overlaid data in the new tab “Overlay” of seismic section and base map window.

14. Global search for wells, horizons, faults, seismic intervals and strata-grids. With the new global search function introduced in version 9, you can quickly search most objects in an AttributeStudio project . The default is searching for well objects. All objects matched the search criteria can be navigated on the project tree view.

15. Overlay 4-D microseismic data of different wells on a 4-D microseismic window for in-stage microseismic analysis. A new UI is provided to allow users select any 4-D microseismic volume in the project and overlay them on the basemap, profile and gun barrel sections in the 4-D microseismic analysis window.
In addition to the above 15 new features, AttributeStudio 9.0 also includes many improvements to existing functions, such as easy navigation of both 2-D and 3-D seismic data in a section window; a revised well top tree view structure; enhanced data analysis for multiple wells and well objects; supporting attribute in shapefile; extracting wavelet from 2-D seismic data; usability improvement in 2-D cross plots. More than 180 defects have been repaired in this release.

In addition to the above 15 new features, AttributeStudio 9.0 also includes many improvements to existing functions, such as easy navigation of both 2-D and 3-D seismic data in a section window; a revised well top tree view structure; enhanced data analysis for multiple wells and well objects; supporting attribute in shapefile; extracting wavelet from 2-D seismic data; usability improvement in 2-D cross plots. More than 180 defects have been repaired in this release.

Development priorities of new features and improvements implemented in version 9 are based on feedbacks of our active user community. We appreciate the timely feedbacks from users, many of them spent their precious time in testing several beta versions before this general release. A power point file of “What’s New in AttributeStudio 9.0” is available for download in user’s portal after login at For more information about Geomodeling’s products and consulting services, please contact us at [email protected].

A webinar of “What’s New in AttributeStudio 9.0 ” will be held on  on October 19, 2022, 8:30 AM, MDT. Click here to register.